Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Start of something new

So here's to the start of my new blog and what a time to start on Imbolc and to mark that I found this path almost a year today and what a wonderful path i have chosen. I have learnt so much and met many lovely people who i am proud to call my sisters and brothers.

I have always loved nature and watching the change of seasons. I have a love of the moon since i was a little girl i was fascinated by this bright round ball in the sky and to me it always had the face of a lady and i gain so much comfort from her .

I have became very drawn to the Celtic path recently maybe its because i feel that is were my roots lie and the fact i live in the heart of Mercia and feel a strong connection. I am reading and learning all the time.

OK that's it for now as i need to prepare for tonight and honour Brighid.

I wish i could have a big open fire tonight those of you that will are so lucky to live somewhere were you can do that. So i will be lighting loads of candles

Blessings and light )0( xx

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